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Riffle Falls  
(also known as the Riffle Waterfall)  

This waterfall is located in the area between Cottageville and Millwood, West Virginia.
With the right weather conditions, Riffle Falls is likely Jackson County's most beautiful natural scenic spot.
scenic Riffle Waterfall (Riffle Falls) near Cottageville and Millwood, West Virginia

top view - scenic Riffle Waterfall (Riffle Falls) near Cottageville and Millwood, West Virginia

swift water - scenic Riffle Waterfall (Riffle Falls) near Cottageville and Millwood, West Virginia

Above are three photos of Riffle Falls, also known as the Riffle Waterfall. It is located in the area of Cottageville and Millwood, West Virginia (on private land). The height of the waterfall is 8 feet. During the dry season there is little or no water going over the waterfall. However, after heavy rains there is a lot of very swift water going over the waterfall, which makes a beautiful roaring sound. The middle photo above shows what the top rock of the waterfall looks like when there is no water. The large trees and lush ferns compliment this small, but beautiful waterfall.

VIDEO of the Riffle Waterfall - Click on the photo below to watch

video clip of the Riffle Waterfall in Millwood WV

With the right weather conditions, the Riffle Waterfall projects a dazzling sunlight reflection onto a rock.

VIDEO of the Riffle Waterfall - Click on the photo below to watch

video clip of the sun and water reflections on a rock at the Riffle Waterfall in Millwood WV

Watch this video clip of the scenic Riffle Waterfall with its dazzling sunlight reflections on a rock.

VIDEO of the Riffle Waterfall - Click on the photo below to watch

video clip of the dazzling sunlight reflections on a rock at the Riffle Waterfall in Millwood WV

The sunlight reflections from the water make this rock look like it is on fire at the Riffle Waterfall.

To stand inside this waterfall and watch the sunlight reflections is just so peaceful. All waterfalls are unique and beautiful in their own way, and this one is no exception. Located in Jackson County, West Virginia, the Riffle Waterfall (Riffle Falls) may be small compared to many waterfalls, but most waterfalls don't have a natural light display like this one.

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