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Cross Pin (knotting art - handcraft)


2 #5 Chinese Knotting Cords (35 cm)
2 #5 Chinese Knotting Cords (50 cm)
1 Bead
1 Pin

Cross pin instructions for Step 1 and Step 2
1. Top (35 cm cords)
Find the center point of the cords and make 3 sets of Shi Zi knot. *(see note below)
2. Bottom (50 cm cords)
Find the center point of the cords and make 6 sets of Shi Zi knot.

Cross pin instructions for Step 3
3. Make 3 sets of Shi Zi knot to combine the top and the bottom.

Cross pin instructions for Step 4
4. Repeat step 3 for the right side.

Cross pin instructions for Step 5
5. Trim and coat with clear-drying glue to secure knot. Let dry.

Cross pin instructions for Step 6
6. Glue bead and pin to complete.

*one cw Shi Zi knot and one ccw Shi Zi knot make one set. See Shi Zi knot instructions

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